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急救入門課程 認識基本急救原理及處理方法 (SDU)


學生發展事務組在2021年1月8日舉辦「急救入門課程」,課程旨在介紹急救的基本原理及基本的急救處理方法,讓同學在日常生活及舉辦活動時,在特殊情況及安全環境下,應⽤基本的急救處理⽅法。 在新型冠狀病毒疫情影響下,課程以網上方式進行。香港聖約翰救護機構導師耐心而詳盡地為同學講解急救的原則及各項基本的急救處理方法,包括出血及止血、休克及昏厥、熱衰竭及中暑,燒傷及燙傷等等。同時,導師亦透過引用日常生活例子,使講解更具體及容易明白。


BA (Hons) Business Administration and Management, De Montfort University


KWOK Kwan Ho
BA (Hons) English for International Corporate Communication, University of Central Lancashire

Thank you for SDU and St. John’s for conducting this workshop. Although this workshop is conducted in zoom and we are unable to try some basic first-aid practice procedures for ourselves, this has been an absolutely amazing & enlightening workshop.  Being able to know the basic techniques and idea of first-aid gave me the confidence to stay calm in the face of any type of emergency incident. And knowing I could perhaps use this knowledge to save some body’s life one day is some very crucial and useful skills learnt in a workshop only conducted for 3 hours.  It has also sparked my interest in learning more about first -aid and getting a first-aid Certificate myself.

LAU Chin Yau
BA (Hons) International Business Communication with Chinese / Japanese, University of Central Lancashire
