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參與精神健康急救訓練 學習幫助精神受困擾人士 (SDU)


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學生發展事務組在2020年10月尾至11月初邀請了香港心理衛生會導師麥婉儀女士舉辦「精神健康急救基礎證書課程」,為同學介紹精神健康急救概念、抑鬱症及焦慮症的徵狀及其急救處理、藥物濫用問題及其急救處理、重性精神病的徵狀及其急救處理、與及社區資源等,希望令同學對精神健康有更清晰的了解,從而減少對患者的誤解,能正確地關心及幫助在精神健康或情緒行為上有困難的人士。 全體同學修畢為期12小時的課程及通過評核,獲得由香港心理衛生會簽發的「精神健康急救修業證書」。


BA (Hons) International Business Communication with Chinese / Japanese, University of Central Lancashire

The Mental Health First Aid Course was informative and provided me with hands-on experience in first aid. In the course, I better understood symptoms of different mental disorders and what I could do to help the patients as a first aider. After completing the course, I have confidence to help my family, friends and colleagues when they suffer from mental problems.

CHONG Wing Tung Nicole
BA (Hons) Business Administration and Management, De Montfort University

Participating in the Mental Health First Aid Course was fruitful and an eye-opening experience. Not only could I gain more knowledge in spotting the signs of mental health issues, I learnt a myriad of practical skills and appropriate attitudes, such as non-judgmental attitude and body language to assist with any mental health crisis. Besides, a few case scenarios were given to us so that we could discuss and put our knowledge into practice. I could consolidate what I have learnt in these simulation sessions and enhance my confidence to step in, reassure and support a person in distress. All in all, I think that this course is useful as I have recognised the importance of stepping into the shoes of someone who has mental health issues and paying more attention on my own mental health.

FAN Lok Sang Alfred
BA (Hons) Applied Social Science, Sheffield Hallam University

此課程能夠讓我深入了解及認識各種精神健康問題。同時,了解各種精神健康問題所岀現的病徵後,更有助留意自身及身邊家人朋友是否岀現精神健康問題從而作出及早的介入。 隨著面對著社會運動及疫情的時期,岀現精神健康問題的人數上升,令岀現自殺的事件隨之而上升。故此更希望能夠在這時段為社會岀一分力,達致發揮「以生命影響生命」和 「助人自助,助己助人」的精神。最後,此課程十分之值得同學報讀,相信同學們報讀後都一定有所得益。