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LIANG Zhuo Bin - Graduate of Class 2022

感謝SCOPE讓我有一個機會對於消防安全工程有更加深入的認識; SCOPE的導師擁有豐富的消防安全工程經驗,更加來自不同的持份者,例如教授,顧問,承建商,前消防隊長等等. 他們的經驗分享讓我在學習和工作中獲益良多. 而SCOPE的課程設計由淺入深, 循序漸進, 一環扣一環, 讓學生可以在一個適合的節奏中學習. 對我來說其中一個最大得著,讓我了解香港消防法例法規背後所蘊含的意義, 而不是盲目應用.

LEUNG Ka Ho - Graduate of Class 2021

As working in the construction industry, studying this programme can learn the fire safety information and understand the design purpose of buildings. There are some case studies in the courses allowing students to discuss and use software to simulate and analyze the results, the tutors will comment and provide suggestions to us which help understanding the theory and regulation. The tutors are also willing to spend extra time to answer questions and teach the method of using simulation software because some of the students have not studied BEng fire engineering before.

LAW Chi Ho Howard - Graduate of Class 2019

Most of us are working adults, it’s really challenging in balancing both work and study at the same time. Indeed, it’s exhausting but we never stop to learn. Though we are from different backgrounds, we share the same belief that knowledge is power, knowledge will change the world.    The course is well-structured and comprehensive for those with or without engineering backgrounds. It equipped us with the theory of developing fire engineering solution through scientific research methodology and modern computational tools.

FU Shun Pan - Graduate of Class 2022

The postgraduate programme enlightens us another kind of learning technique. We practice with the range of solution methods with numerous knowledges in the class, we shall analysis the conditions and making decisions to create the path for ourselves during the postgraduate learning, especially dissertation research. With the rapid development of the society, fire safety engineering is a great necessary and development in Hong Kong, the programme is continuing improvement with new safety regulations and techniques.

FONG Wai - Graduate of Class 2016

This programme focuses on the fire science as well as influence of fire upon human in built environment. I found that this programme is very practical since fire was studied in different extent theoretically and experimentally. We not only learnt the knowledge from papers, but also were able to visualize fire size and flame height. Furthermore, we had a chance to test the sprinkler performance to check the water distribution during water discharge.

Max Lam

[Graduate of AD in Business (Marketing), PolyU HKCC]
