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English Enhancement workshop: Interviewing Skill _ Wall Street English (Feb 2023) (SDU x Wall Street English)



LUI Sze Ting    呂思鋌
BA (Hons) Public Administration and Management, De Montfort University

The English enhancing workshop on 13th February 2023 is definitely fun and helpful for my future. The teacher Justin was so charming and offered many chances for us to practice during the lesson, for example on how to answer the question about your own weaknesses. After the first try, he always follows up with skill, example and structure so that we can practice the same question once again, and I found out the result is positive, and I had a good experience from seeing my own improvement. It was a good time and I really looking forward to joining the same type of event in the future.


SIN Wai Chun Jenny 冼惠珍

BA (Hons) Public Administration and Management, De Montfort University

The workshop is practical and informative, it enriched my knowledge of interview skills. The workshop content is organized. It is categorized with different objectives that help the participants develop the skill effectively.  It starts with an introduction to the interview process, facts, and statistics about the interview skill, through practical exercises. I have learned the techniques to handle the challenge of the interview. Not only learned the skill to perform well as an interviewee, but the workshop also let me understand the view of the interviewer from what they expected for an interviewee, such as appearance, character, and attitude which are definitely important in an interview skill. Moreover, the S.T.A.R Framework has been taught in this workshop with examples was a new concept for me. It was a great and new easy process that inspired me how to address interview challenges and issues. I enjoyed and was fortunate to participate in the workshop.