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職業規劃工作坊 協助學生尋找職業發展路向 (SDU)


為協助學生認識自我及定立職業發展目標,學生發展事務組特別在2021年9月10日舉辦了 “Planning for Your Career Success” 工作坊,由學生發展經理梁碧華女士為學生介紹職業規劃步驟及定立職業目標,協助學生繪製職業生涯路線圖。

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BA (Hons) Business and Management, De Montfort University

I learned a lot of useful knowledge, such as the differences between job and career, the tools for job hunting (compass) and this workshop allows me to know myself more which is the most important key factor in finding a job. In fact, this workshop clears my doubts related to career path like which career field is suitable and appropriate for me. I would also like to appreciate the speaker, Alice Leung Kirkwood. She has not only shown me the path on how to choose your career but also how to walk through it. I am eagerly looking forward to joining career related workshops.

BA (Hons) English for International Corporate Communication, University of Central Lancashire

As I am currently on my "Career-Quest", I believe joining career planning and exploration workshops would give me a better understanding of myself and my career path. Recently, joining the Planning for Your Career Success Workshop has encouraged me to understand my interests, transferrable skills, and more. By regularly evaluating myself through professional guidance, I hope to understand my purpose and career path better.

CHEN Tak Hei
BSc (Hons) Information Technology for Business, Coventry University

This workshop definitely enhanced my confidence on determining the direction of my own career path. The Speaker, Ms. Alice Leung Kirkwood, has made a great effort on the preparation of the workshop and gave every participant printout and online resources on self-discovery and career planning. While Ms. Leung was giving her insights into the career planning, she made a crystal clear on the meaning between a career and a job by pointing out their differences, introduced and explained some terminologies such as personal branding and employability to us. Ms. Leung also pointed out some common misconceptions on career beliefs and advised us not to mislead and self-limit by those false thoughts. With all the information and resources gained from the workshop, I can surely get well prepared on my career path planning before my graduation.