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以時易「實習」計劃技能提升活動 - 「引人入勝故事講述」工作坊 (SDU x Websume)


人類與生俱來就愛聽故事,如果我們能巧妙地運用說故事的威力,我們會更加可能提高履歷內容的可信性和可讀性。有見及此,CityU SCOPE 與 Websume在2022年4月8日舉辦了「引人入勝故事講述」工作坊 (Storytelling that captivates),協助學生提升說話的組織力及技巧,增加獲聘機會。

以時易「實習」計劃 (Time Exchange for Internship” Scheme) 由CityU SCOPE 與 Websume 合辦,旨在協助 CityU SCOPE 學生提升就業能力,滿足未來職場期望。



POON Hon Chung
BSc (Hons) Information Technology for Business, Coventry University

In the past few weeks, I’ve been attending the TEIS workshops in which I have learned a lot on different aspects of future skills. Among all new skills provided by TEIS, I am particularly impressed by speakers who shared their experience in different storytelling techniques and how presentation can be enriched and transformed through better communication and the storytelling approach. I find the learning really useful.

WONG Chun Wah
BA (Hons) Business and Management, De Montfort University

This course provides us with concise ways to enrich the content of my presentation. If you can acquire essential skill in story telling, you may know how to persuade and convince your audience. Persuasion skill is important for job interview, business development, and personal growth.