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「就業市場概覽」講座 協助學生了解21世紀就業市場情況 (SDU)


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學生發展事務組在2021年11月10日舉辦了「就業市場概覽」講座,邀請了在就業輔導及生涯規劃擁有逾30年經驗的陳棨年先生,為同學介紹21 世紀就業市場的重大變化,鼓勵同學裝備好自己迎接新機遇。  


BA (Hons) Business Management, De Montfort University

It is an excellent opportunity of joining the talk on Job Market Overview. The talk was very inspiring and suitable for university students. The speaker provided professional career advice and guidance.  I was confused in finding suitable jobs related to human activities.  After joining the talk, I realized that we could sharpen our soft skills like communication and cooperation, and enhance our hard skills like domain knowledge and technical skills before we enter the labour market.  I recommend the future career talks to my schoolmates. 

MA Chun Wang
BA (Hons) Business Management, De Montfort University
